Zombie Combat Simulator v1.2.4 (Mod Apk) | apkgo2.blogspot.com
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Zombie Combat Simulator v1.2.4 (Mod Apk)
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1. Free to create: In sandbox mode, you can create units and decide on their weapons, damage resistance, health, movement speed, some AI behaviors, etc.
2. Rule changes: You can modify the rules of the game, such as unit spawn systems that can automatically spawn soldiers and zombies. As well as the game of time, conditions of victory and defeat, zombie infection, etc. In short, you can make the gameplay a big change by simply modifying the rules. Of course, if you don't want to do it by self I also give you some preset ways to play;
3. Third Person Shooter: You can create a soldier and control it to move, aim and shoot;
4. Multiplayer: You can play with others online, or play with your friends through WIFI router.
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